2020 Focus

I’m sooooo late on the New Year’s Resolution post, but the thing I like about New Year’s Resolutions is that you should really be working on them all year! So even though it’s well into February, I’m still focusing on myself and trying to complete some goals.

  1. Tidiness – I am not a tidy person, so am trying to get rid of things and tidy for at least 15 minutes every day. Marie Kondo didn’t really do it for me, but this Clutterbug book did.
  2. Fitness – I really stopped exercising last year because work got CRAZY, but I’ve come to realize that I’m happier and have less achey pain when I exercise. (Ummm…obviously…)
  3. French! – I’ve always wanted to be proficient in a second language, so I started taking French class last year. But I’m not devoting enough time outside of the one and a half hour class each week. If future me wants to know two languages, then now me better be working on it!
  4. Write – Pretty self explanatory. I want to get a book deal this year, so I better get cracking.

So I’m late to the party, but at least I came to the party! And I’ll try to keep this whole thing-a-ma-jig more consistent, because why not.

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